

Discord-style chat platform built with modern web technologies

2021 - 2022 | Team Effort


Revolt is a chat platform built with modern web technologies. The backend is built in Rust using Rocket, the frontend using Preact (soon Solid), with styled-components.

I have been handling second-level project coordination starting in August 2021.
Starting January of 2022, I have been handling the project's public relations, among other things as the primary manager of the social media accounts.

In addition, I have specified the project's brand design guidelines to give the project a uniform look across all media and established social media cards as a quickly recognizable and information-packed way to announce features in small, easy bites.


Social Media Cards

Brand Design Handbook

Improved Login Page

Discover Themes

Tech Stack#

ReactTypeScriptStyled ComponentsRustRocketMongoDB
